How Does Aromatherapy work?

Aromatherapy, essential oils…what the heck is it? Can it really reduce pain? Does it actually help lower stress?

Look, I have to be honest. I’ve been a little slow to the therapy of smells.  Am I saying that right? Aroma-therapy?  I know big sis has loved them her whole adult life, really.  But me? A little slow on the uptake.  I’ve secretly associated them with people using them to cover the smells of ahem, other, ‘herbal’ remedies. Notwithstanding bad BO.

It actually wasn’t until I was up to my eyeballs with sleep deprivation after the birth of our second child, a whole 22 months after her brother, that I became acutely aware of the impact they can have. I was introduced by a friend to a well known MLM brand and the next thing I knew I was snorting little brown bottles of delightful citrus scents hoping to make it to the next bed time. I also noticed they helped with my ratty moods and disorientation with life in general with two little one’s in tow. Though I couldn’t really explain how.  So I thought I would dig a little deeper and find out, just how these delightfully smelly oils work.

Aromatherapy vs Essential Oils

Aromatherapy is the therapy of smells.  The name is kind of a give away, right? The power lies within the scent of the oil and is often used with an oil burner or diffuser. Essential oils are used in aromatherapy have specific uses and treatments according the plant properties and can be blended to create delightful custom blends. Essential oils can be used in diffusers or applied topically.

How Does Aromatherapy Work?

According to Seeking Scent Serenity: The Benefits and Science of Aromatherapy – Ask The Scientists scents directly impact our olfactory centre of the brain, triggering emotions, memories and feelings.  The olfactory centre is directly connected to our hipocampus and amygdala which control our memories and emotions, hence the strong link between smell, memory and emotion. However, can the smell of a plant really reduce pain and inflammation, lower cortisol, promote sleep and well being? Well, yes, according to researchers at the Centurion University of Technology. After a review of 27 studies, they found that there is significant evidence that essential oils via aromatherapy can help reduce stress, lower anxiety, decrease pain and reduce inflammation, not to mention it will lower cortisol. However, they found it wasn’t just the scent that helped, as the essential oil could be applied topically, and you would still receive the health benefits.  Beware the common beauty oil or household smelly candle though (think salted caramel/vanilla pod/chai latte abominations).  The cortisol lowering, pain reducing benefits lie in the distilled phytochemicals of the plant leaves, stems, flowers and roots only found in essential oils. 

How Are Essential Oils made?

The most common way to create quality essential oils is through steam distillation. Whereby steam passes through the plant matter, then cooled to allow the water and oil to separate, and the resulting oil is captured.  Often only a one small jar is captured from kg’s of plant material. Therein lies the powerful properties of essential oils as the phytochemicals are compacted into one small, delightful bottle.

Essential Oils Are Old..really, really old.

You could say that essential oils have stood the test of time. Some sources state that essential oils such a frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood were coveted in Ancient Egypt as far back as 4500BCE. 

That’s a bodgy long time in anyone’s language. 

Well I’m off to see what concoction of oils I can make that will mask the fact I haven’t started dinner yet..

Stay well friends




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